Trauma Therapy & PTSD Treatment
You’re tired of thinking about what happened.
It feels like the past is holding you back.
Difficulty sleeping, feeling depressed or constantly being on edge.
Something needs to change. You need to find healing.
Trauma Therapy CAN Help
I know it’s hard to believe right now, but you CAN feel better. People often enter our counseling office unsure what to expect. They just know they’re tired of feeling the way they do.
Maybe you don’t even think it’s worth talking about the actual trauma. You just want to feel a little less anxious. Even just reducing your self-hatred by 10% would make things more bearable. But you don’t believe counseling can truly help you be happy again.
If you’re having a difficult time believing counseling can truly help, our therapists will hold hope for you. We know that trauma therapy works. Why? Because we’ve seen countless other people enter our counseling office not sure what the point of coming even was only to leave feeling good about life again. Now, we’re not saying it’s going to be easy. In fact, you’ll probably want to quit many times. But if you stick with it, a good trauma therapist can help you work through the past, find new ways of coping, and move forward again with purpose.
Our founder, Jessica, often says that trauma is her favorite thing to treat through therapy because she knows people will get better. Trauma work is some of the most intense work a therapist can do, but it’s also some of the most rewarding. Because there are multiple methods out there that we know help people get better
We believe you deserve trauma therapy that really truly works.
Trauma is one of those things where you really want to see a therapist who specializes in treating trauma. Trauma therapy typically involves a little bit more than just talking about how your week went. So, trauma therapy might begin with relationship building with a few sessions of just talking about what’s currently stressing you and some coping skills. But then, your therapist will pull from one of the proven methods of treating trauma and PTSD that we’ve been trained in. Why? Because we believe you deserve healing. We don’t want to just put a bandaid on the pain you are experiencing. We want to help you find true freedom from what happened to you.
Aspire Counseling has therapists are trained in evidence-based trauma therapies such as Prolonged Exposure (PE), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). We will work with you to find the treatment that will take you from fear to confidence; from dread to hope and from broken to whole.
You deserve to find relief from your PTSD symptoms like difficulty sleeping, intrusive memories, self-doubt, feeling depressed and anxious. Regardless of where you are in the healing process, as a Columbia, MO area counseling center, healing starts here.
Was what happened to me even a traumatic event?
This is a really, really common question when someone is starting therapy. It’s easy to convince yourself “it could have been worse.” Whatever you’ve been through, you may find yourself thinking of all the things that you haven’t experienced and try to convince yourself that your experience doesn’t even count as trauma.
A serious car accident. Seeing someone you love die unexpectedly. A debilitating injury. A natural disaster. A rape. A sexual assault. Domestic violence. A trauma is any event that overwhelms a person’s ability to cope. If something bad happened where your normal coping mechanisms didn’t work, you’ve been through a traumatic experience.
Now there are many different types of traumatic experiences. Maybe you experienced an acute traumatic event that happened once and was really intense. Or, maybe your trauma history included complex trauma such as abuse that happens over and over again. There are shared trauma such as 9-11 or Covid-19 that happens to many people at once. Or vicarious trauma where you’re traumatized (i.e. overwhelmed beyond your normal ability to cope) by hearing about and working with others who have experienced trauma. All of these count as trauma.
When you’ve been through something overwhelming (i.e. a traumatic experience), you may recover on your own after a few weeks or months. On the other hand, you may have PTSD symptoms (nightmares, anxiety, depression, avoiding things, fear) that seem to hold you back. In this case, counseling can help you find yourself again.
Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Signs that you might be developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) include feeling jumpy, avoiding things that remind you of traumatic events in your past, difficulty sleeping/nightmares, having moments where it feels like you are reliving the trauma, difficulty concentrating, withdrawing from others or feeling depressed. You don’t have to live with these symptoms of PTSD. Trauma treatment can help you recover from PTSD symptoms.
Symptoms of PTSD fall into four categories and may look different depending on your unique personality, support system, and traumatic experience. When you book an initial assessment with a trauma counselor in our clinic, we’ll take a closer look at your symptoms and see if you qualify for a PTSD diagnosis. The four ways trauma can impact a person causing PTSD includes:
Intrusive, Unwanted, Negative Thoughts
Intrusive thoughts can take many forms: involuntary memories, nightmares, and flashbacks are commonly experienced by those with PTSD. These intrusive thoughts and memories of your trauma often come up at the worst possible times. You want to move forward with your life but it feels like this negative memory is holding you back.
Avoiding Situations
As human beings, it’s normal for us to want to avoid things that don’t feel good. For this reason, people that have experienced a really stressful event may find themselves avoiding anything that reminds them of that bad memory. You may initially feel better when you push away memories of the assault/rape/accident/fire/injury. You may even feel normal for a moment. However, avoiding maintains PTSD. So as time goes on, you’ll find yourself avoiding more and more situations, people, things and thoughts.
Distorted Ideas & Negative Self Talk
It is common for those with PTSD to have distorted thoughts and beliefs about themselves or others, ongoing fear, anger, guilt, or shame. These thoughts can look like, “I am a bad person,” “I can’t trust anyone,” or “I should have died, not her.” As a result of these cognitive distortions, you may have less interest in activities you once enjoyed and also begin to feel detached or estranged from loved ones.
Risky or Out-of-Character Behavior
Reactive behavior associated with PTSD can include having angry outbursts, becoming easily irritable, behaving recklessly or in a self-destructive way, being easily startled, or having problems concentrating or sleeping.
Many people who experience a traumatic event may experience symptoms like these in the days following the event. However, people with PTSD will experience these symptoms for months and even years. It’s also common for someone with PTSD to have what we call co-occurring problems. This may mean that you use substances such as alcohol or drugs to feel better. You may feel depressed or anxious.
What to expect in PTSD Treatment
Similar to a mountain range, there are several peaks and valleys in PTSD treatment, but you CAN make it to the other side!
At Aspire Counseling, our trauma therapists offer several different types of very effective, evidence-based treatments for PTSD. These are treatments that have been tested and research has found helped others find relief. You don’t have to stay stuck for years. Trauma treatment is effective and most people feel significant relief from their PTSD symptoms in a matter of months. Our therapists are caring, skilled and are able to individualize your treatment to meet your needs, values, and preferences.
PTSD treatment starts with you getting to know your therapist and building trust. Then, you will learn grounding techniques and other ways of coping with your anxiety. You may work on improving your sleep and addressing nightmares. Then…the hard work begins. The exact type of trauma treatment you’re going through with your therapist (ex: EMDR, Prolonged Exposure, TF-CBT, or Cognitive Processing therapy) will determine exactly how your trauma is addressed. You can expect this to be difficult and have moments where therapy isn’t fun. However, you can also count on your therapist being empathetic and caring.
Your therapist will be right by your side helping every step of the way. Counseling doesn’t have to take years to work. In fact, our clients often feel significantly better after just a couple of months. We want to help you find healing and quickly. That is why we use trauma treatments that work. Aspire Counseling therapists have the experience helping other trauma survivors, done the research, sat through countless trainings, read books, consulted with other therapists to learn what helps someone recover fully and quickly from PTSD.
It may be impossible to erase the traumatic experience(s) from your past, but it is very possible for you to find healing and emotional peace. You are ready to be you again, so we will choose treatments that work for PTSD and then tailor them to your specific situation.
What makes a stressful experience “traumatic?” What do people really mean when they say PTSD? How can I keep memories of the past from interfering in my day to day life? How do I even begin to move forward?
I answer these questions and so much more in my Free 3-week E-Course on Traumatic Stress & PTSD. Helping others find healing from traumatic experiences has long been a passion of mine. I’ve helped survivors of rape, women who were sexually assaulted, individuals adjusting to major injuries, people who have been shaken by watching someone die, and people who were in serious car accidents. But I want to be able to help an even larger number of people. It is my hope that this series will allow me to help many more people recovering from trauma begin to feel better faster.
What is the cost of the PTSD E-Course?
I am so excited to now be offering this course FREE OF CHARGE. You read that right. I began by charging for this course because I know how valuable it is to those who read the material each day and complete each Action Step (i.e. homework). However…the more I’ve thought about it, the most I’ve realized that it’s important to make this information accessible to EVERYONE. I want anyone who is suffering from difficulty sleeping, memories of the past, panic attacks or is trying to find ways to escape their emotional pain to have access to this information. If this is you…You’ve been through enough. You deserve to be able to take action right away.
What is included?
When you sign up, you will receive a total of 11 e-mails with information about trauma, PTSD, and techniques to help cope with PTSD symptoms so you can move forward. I include an action step each day so you’ll do more than just read the information, but can start to apply it to your own life.
You don’t have to stay stuck or always feel on edge. Feel from PTSD faster starting with this e-course! What do you have to lose?
Considering PTSD Treatment
Trauma impacts everyone differently. Sometimes a difficult situation may overwhelm your ability to cope. You may find yourself having moments where it feels like you are reliving your trauma, thinking about the stressful situation often, experiencing nightmares, feeling on edge or jumpy, over-reacting or constantly worrying.
Whether the stressful situation you experienced was rape, sexual assaults, accidents, a serious injury, domestic violence, a natural disaster, the sudden death of a loved one, or combat during military service, we want to help you find relief. Healing starts here.
Aspire Counseling has several experienced trauma therapists who specialize in treating PTSD. All of our trauma therapists are trained and experienced using at least one evidence-based PTSD treatment such as Prolonged Exposure (PE), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (typically for adolescents), or Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR). That’s a lot of different acronyms, but the bottom line is this: we offer effective treatment so you can find emotional freedom and healing. You don’t have to face this journey alone. People do recover and learn to live a meaningful, peaceful life even after unimaginable trauma. Please reach out and let a therapist help you begin counseling right away so you can get back to living.
If you are considering counseling for PTSD and live in the state of Missouri, we can help. Please contact us today to discuss how counseling services can help you move forward.
Begin Trauma Therapy in Missouri
We know it’s hard to ask for help. Often, just making it to your first appointment to meet your therapist is a HUGE step. We try to make the process of beginning trauma therapy as easy as possible!
Reach out to Aspire Counseling
First, you’ll speak to a member of our Client Care team who will ask you a few questions about who you are looking for and take the time to match you with a therapist we think will be a great fit.
Meet with a Trauma Therapist
Because we know how important it is to find someone you feel comfortable with, all of our therapists offer a free 30-minute consultation where you can ask as many questions as you’d like.
Begin Healing
You abd your therapist will come up with a plan forward based on your needs, you’re therapist’s experience and the counseling methods they’re been trained in. Together, you’ll walk this journey so you can start feeling better.

The road to healing starts here.
Not ready for therapy yet? Browse these blog posts related to Trauma & PTSD.
Because trauma therapy is one of our specialties as Aspire Counseling, we frequently write blog posts related to PTSD, trauma or extreme stress. Here are just a few blog posts from our trauma therapists!
Sexual Harassment v. Assault v. Rape: What’s the Difference?
Empowering Young Women to Avoid and Seek Help After Sexual Violence
Learning to cope with traumatic memories and re-engage fully in your own life can be difficult. Continue to watch our mental health blog for new posts from about post traumatic stress disorder, trauma treatment and tips for moving forward with your life. Our trauma therapists believe in the power of the human spirit to not only survive traumatic experiences but to grow and thrive. We want to continue to provide you with helpful resources for your healing journey. Please let us know if you have specific questions or topics that you would like to see us address in a blog post!
Other Mental Health Services
We know life is complicated and you may be struggling with more than one issue. Or perhaps more than one member of your family needs some support right now. Because each therapists at Aspire Counseling specializes in something slightly different, we’re able to offer a wide range of mental health services at our office in Columbia or online anywhere in Missouri. Some of our specialties include depression counseling, trauma therapy/PTSD treatment, counseling for caregiver stress, anxiety treatment, teen counseling, support during chronic illness and more! We’re here to help.