3 Week PTSD Course
Have you been through something really stressful?
Is there something in your past holding you back?
Do you have nightmares, flashbacks, or panic attacks?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, I’d love to help you quickstart your journey toward healing over the next 3 weeks. Whether you’re already working with a therapist you love, thinking about starting counseling, or just want a couple of tips about how you can manage your anxiety about the past, my 3-week e-course is for you! You’ll receive a welcome e-mail when you join. Starting the following day, you’ll have an e-mail every other day for 20 days. Over three weeks, I will answer the most common questions I hear people ask about trauma, extreme stress, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I will give you tips for managing anxiety about the past and talk a little about how you can begin to move forward!
What makes a stressful experience “traumatic?”
What do people really mean when they say PTSD?
How can I keep memories of the past from interfering in my day to day life?
How do I even begin to move forward?
I answer these questions and so much more in my Free 3-week E-Course on Traumatic Stress & PTSD. Helping others find healing from traumatic experiences has long been a passion of mine. I’ve helped survivors of rape, women who were sexually assaulted, individuals adjusting to major injuries, people who have been shaken by watching someone die, and people who were in serious car accidents. But I want to be able to help an even larger number of people. It is my hope that this series will allow me to help many more people recovering from trauma begin to feel better faster.
Begin Trauma Therapy in Missouri
We know it’s hard to ask for help. Often, just making it to your first appointment to meet your therapist is a HUGE step. We try to make the process of beginning trauma therapy as easy as possible!
Reach out to Aspire Counseling
First, you’ll speak to a member of our Client Care team who will ask you a few questions about who you are looking for and take the time to match you with a therapist we think will be a great fit.
Meet with a Trauma Therapist
Because we know how important it is to find someone you feel comfortable with, all of our therapists offer a free 30-minute consultation where you can ask as many questions as you’d like.
Begin Healing
You and your therapist will come up with a plan forward based on your needs, you’re therapist’s experience and the counseling methods they’re been trained in. Together, you’ll walk this journey so you can start feeling better.

The road to healing starts here.
Not ready for therapy yet? Browse these blog posts related to Trauma & PTSD.
Because trauma therapy is one of our specialties as Aspire Counseling, we frequently write blog posts related to PTSD, trauma or extreme stress. Here are just a few blog posts from our trauma therapists!
Sexual Harassment v. Assault v. Rape: What’s the Difference?
Empowering Young Women to Avoid and Seek Help After Sexual Violence
5 Signs a College Student may have PTSD
Learning to cope with traumatic memories and re-engage fully in your own life can be difficult. Continue to watch our mental health blog for new posts about post-traumatic stress disorder, trauma treatment, and tips for moving forward with your life. Our trauma therapists believe in the power of the human spirit to not only survive traumatic experiences but to grow and thrive. We want to continue to provide you with helpful resources for your healing journey. Please let us know if you have specific questions or topics that you would like to see us address in a blog post!
Other Mental Health Services
We know life is complicated and you may be struggling with more than one issue. Or perhaps more than one member of your family needs some support right now. Because each therapists at Aspire Counseling specializes in something slightly different, we’re able to offer a wide range of mental health services at our office in Columbia or online anywhere in Missouri. Some of our specialties include depression counseling, trauma therapy/PTSD treatment, counseling for caregiver stress, anxiety treatment, teen counseling, support during chronic illness and more! We’re here to help.